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STOL CH 701 / 750 / 801

STOL CH 750 light sport utility

Sport Utility Kit Aircraft - Videos and Photo Gallery 125


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NEW Builder and owner submitted photos and videos on the new ZENITH.AERO Online Community for Zenith Aircraft Builders & Flyers.
Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates  
STOL Flying! STOL Flying Fun. Ultimate flying video with the Zenith STOL
Flying on snow! Snow Day at the Zenith Aircraft Factory

Let's go flying on six inches of fresh snow in the STOL CH 750! Video clip

Two Planes in Three Years EAA Experimenter magazine (March 2015)

Bob Rychel's two Zenith planes! "Two Planes in Three Years"

Florida tour March 2015: EAA tours the One Week Wonder Zenith CH 750 Cruzer across central Florida to EAA Chapters.
STOL CH 701 Mike Elliston's Zenith STOL:
"Thanks to Roger and all the help I received from everyone at Zenith Aircraft. I am up and flying and enjoying my plane!"
STOL Champions! STOL Flying Champions!
Congratulations to Chris Anderson, Jock Struthers, and to Deane Philip for taking first, second and third place in the third annual "Healthy Bastards STOL competition" in New Zealand on Saturday, January 31, 2015.
Watch the video!  | More info and details
Zenith Aircraft magazine New for 2015: We've published a new Zenith Aircraft magazine, chock-full of information on building and flying your own Zenith. This free 48-page full color magazine provides an excellent introduction to the world of recreational flying and kit aviation, and covers all Zenith aircraft kit models, including the STOL CH 701. Contact Zenith Aircraft Company to have one mailed to you. 
Video: First Flight One Week Wonder Summary Video
Watch the new five-minute video from EAA about the One Week Wonder project and see why Aero-News Network named the project "Best of Show " at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2014. In just seven days, more than 2,500 volunteers helped build a Zenith CH 750 Cruzer airplane (from a kit)!
STOL Competition The EAA staff-built Zenith STOL CH 750 performs a short take-off (piloted here by Tracy Buttles) at the Zenith Open Hangar Day "STOL Competition" (September 19, 2014)
STOL Competition Roger Dubbert performs a short take-off in his STOL CH 701 at the Zenith Open Hangar Day "STOL Competition" (September 19, 2014)
STOL Competition This STOL CH 750 won the competition at the 2014 Zenith Open Hangar Day "STOL Competition" (September 19, 2014)

"Jan was flying a Zenith STOL CH750 powered with the Viking 110 engine. His take off measured 109-feet, and his landing measured 110-feet for a combined winning score of 219-feet."

One Week Wonder 9/20/14: The EAA One Week Wonder Zenith CH 750 Cruzer back to its origins at the Zenith kit factory where its parts were built (and shipped to Oshkosh), pictured here with just a few of the many volunteers who helped build this aircraft in seven days at AirVenture 2014! 
EAA's Charlie Becker and Tracy Buttles flew the airplane to Mexico, Missouri from Oshkosh, 400 miles to attend the event. Their return flight to Oshkosh was non-stop KMYJ to KOSH, demonstrating the Cruzer's excellent cross-country flying capability. 
Video: First Flight First Flight Video of the One Week Wonder (piloted by Jeff Skiles)
"On August 5, 2014, the airplane that was built in seven days at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2014 flew for the first time�carrying more than 2500 signatures of those who helped build the plane into the air. Video by Brady Lane / EAA"
On top of the world! Two Zenith STOL aircraft on top of the world in New Zealand, looking down on the mountains...
Zenair Open House Chris Heintz joined Zenair Ltd. to celebrate its 40th anniversary on Saturday, July 19, 2014 at the Zenair factory at Huronia Airport in Midland, Ontario, Canada.

Photos from the event: Facebook photos | More Photos

Camping with the Zenith STOL From Zenith.Aero:

Zenith's Roger Dubbert goes STOL camping at the Lake of the Ozarks.  Check out the photos and videos!

Crossing the river River crossing with the "Sky Jeep"
Hovering in the Zenith STOL CH 701 YouTube Video Clip:

Flight Demo: Flying the Zenith STOL backwards

Take Off From Zenith.Aero: Australian STOL CH 750 "climbing skywards like a homesick angel."
STOL Competition Winner February 2014
STOL Competition Winners: Two Zenith STOL aircraft take first and second place in New Zealand STOL Flying Competition!
Winter flying... Christmas 2013
Video Clip:  Very short take-off and landing (on snow).
Winter flying... Video Clip:  Take-offs and landings on snow-covered runway.  More Zenith STOL CH 750 Videos.
Winter flying on skis... Video Clip: Flying the awesome Zenith STOL CH 701 light sport utility kit plane from skis on fresh snow. 
Piloted by Frank Savignac in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada.
More Zenith STOL CH 701 Videos
Powered SPORT FLYING magazine 11/13 Zenith CH 750 Cruzer on the cover of the November 2013 issue of Powered Sport Flying magazine, cover story.

...more Press Reviews

First flight with the Rotax 912iS engine First Flight Video (Nov. 6, 2013): Flying the Zenith CH 750 behind the new Rotax 912iS engine installation.
Roger Dubbert from the Zenith factory flies the CH 750 with the Rotax 912iS engine installation.
On-Roading "On-Road" (literally) with the "Off-Road" Zenith STOL.  More photos on Zenith.Aero
Kitplanes magazine, November 2013 Zenith CH 750 CRUZER on the cover of the November 2013 issue of KITPLANES magazine, cover story: "A Zenith for the Asphalt Jungle"  Pages 6 - 15, story by editor Paul Dye:

"It is dependable and honest, flies at 120 mph, operates easily and smoothly off of paved and prepared runways, and will teach pilots good flying habits. There is plenty of cockpit space and the baggage area is cavernous." 

...more Press Reviews

Flying the CH 750 CRUZER Flying the Zenith CH 750 CRUZER to EAA AirVenture (Oshkosh)
Roger with his STOL CH 701 Roger Dubbert from the Zenith factory takes us up for a demo flight in the Zenith STOL CH 701 that he built more than 15 years ago.  
STOL CH 750 with drooped slats Flying the Zenith STOL CH 750 with re-positioned (drooped) wing leading edge slats for increase STOL capability.
Video One | Video Two
2013 "Fly In to Summer" Open Hangar Day Video Clip and photos from the 2013 "Fly In to Summer" Open Hangar Day and Builder Fly-In Gathering at the Zenith Factory (June 22, 2013).
Zenair STOL on the beach John Marzulli's "Seven-Oh-Fun" on beach patrol in the Pacific North West.

Video Clip. More photos and videos from John Marzulli

CH 750 CRUZER Flying the new Zenith CH 750 CRUZER aircraft.
STOL CH 701 on skis STOL CH 701 on skis (in Alaska)
Flying from Skis in Alaska New Video Clip from Zenith.Aero

Bob Jones of Alaska demonstrates his STOL CH 701 "Sky Jeep" on snow skis.

Flight Sim Updated X-Plane 10.20 Flight Simulator files for the STOL CH 750 (now supports 64-bit computing!)

Fly the STOL CH 750 without leaving your armchair!  View screenshots | Download the free files for X-Plane | Video Clip - walkaround | Video clip - flying

Short take off competition winner! New video clip from Zenith.Aero:
STOL CH 701 at the STOL (short take off and landing) competition held at the Omaka Airport by the Marlborough Aero Club (New Zealand) on Saturday Feb 2, 2013. 
55 pilots from around the country competed in 4 weight class categories. Zenith CH701 ZMX won the light sport category averaging 18 metres to get it airborne. Scores were counted as the total of shortest distance for takeoff and for a full stop landing over two circuits. CH 701 winning score was 50.4 metres.
Cross country flight to and from Sebring Flying the STOL CH 750 cross-country:
Video clips of the 1,000 mile trip to and from the Sebring Sport Aviation Expo.

Flight to Sebring  |  Flight home

Float flying fun! NEW Video Clip:
French documentary excerpt of a STOL CH 701 on Zenair floats (with folding wings) in the southwest Pacific islands. Guy Kane and his Zenith STOL floatplane participated in the "Lap�rouse Expedition" to research the 18th century explorer Lap�rouse's mysterious shipwreck in the south Pacific. The aircraft provides awesome versatility and utility and is the perfect tool for air reconnaissance!
EAA staffers building the STOL CH 750: EAA Video Update #2: EAA staffers building the STOL CH 750
Pilot magazine: November 2012

PILOT magazine, November 2012 issue, cover story: "Zenair CH 750 - A kitplane with remarkable performance."  Pages 50 - 56, cover story and flight test review by Dave Unwin:

"The takeoff was impressively brief, indeed we were flying also as soon as we started to roll.  ..visibility is every phase of flight really is excellent.
"I decided to hold the aircraft in a stall, and with the stick on the back stop it simply sank straight ahead in a very stable condition with a vertical speed of less than 500 fpm.  You could ride it down to the ground like this, and although you might burst the tires you would definitely walk away.  This is a very safe airplane."

"In conclusion, I was hugely impressed by the STOL CH 750. In many ways an excellent example of "function over form," its STOL performance is remarkable. I flew it on a flat-calm day and was amazed at how little runway I used, and this was the first time I'd ever flown one. I would imagine that with a few hours on type, and say 20 kts on the nose, you could land (and equally importantly - take off again) practically anywhere."

Float flying fun! NEW Video Clip:
Float flying fun
in the Zenith STOL CH 701 (on Zenair amphibious floats) with Troy Townsend and friends from I-Tec
... more float flying photos
STOL CH 750 with ULPower! Video Clip:
Flying the STOL CH 750 with the 130-hp UL Power 350iS engine and DUC Flash propeller
EAA Employees "Launch Party"
EAA employees start building their own Zenith STOL CH 750 kit plane.
STOL CH 750 LSA STOL CH 750 powered by the six cylinder Jabiru 3300 engine, custom-built by Tenn-Air.

Tenn-Air specializes in custom professional builder assistance with the STOL CH 750 to get the kit owner "in the air quickly."

2012 Open Hangar Day Follow-Up from Zenith Aircraft Company's 20th anniversary / Open Hangar Day & Fly-In held this past September 21 & 22, 2012
Thanks to great weather and great company we had a wonderful Open Hangar Day and Fly-In to celebrate Zenith Aircraft Company's 20th anniversary.
Brazilian STOL CH 750 STOL CH 750 in Brazil (South America)
STOL CH 701 STOL CH 701 in the Middle East (UAE)
Viking-powered STOL CH 750 STOL CH 750 powered by a Viking (Honda-based) engine
Zenith STOL on the beaches of India! Photos from around the world on the Zenith facebook page.  "Like" our Facebook page for the latest updates.

STOL CH 701 on the beaches of India.

Article Reprint Article Reprint:  "Bob Barte builds a Sky Jeep in his garage" in Alaska
"Teens Build Plane..." EAA AirVenture 2012:  Time lapse video of the "Aviators by Design" project where teens build a STOL CH 750 kit

Watch the video clip | More about the "Aviators by Design" STOL CH 750 kit project

The new Rotax 912iS engine in the Zenith STOL The new Rotax 912iS with fuel injection on the STOL CH 701 (prototype installation by WAASPS in Ghana, Africa)

Watch a video clip

Turbine 701 Scott Ehni's amazing custom "Turbine 701" was a featured "Homebuilts in Review" aircraft at AirVenture 2012.  Video Clip
Beach Flying Zenith STOL CH 701 on the beach... (with big tires)
STOL Flying Demo New Video Clip:
View Video Clip New Video Clip:
Beach Flying Video Clip: STOL Flying: Beach Take-Off in Brazil
Short take-off Video Clip:
Flying from river gravel bar Video Clip: STOL Flying: Take-Off and Landing on Gravel Bar
Float Flying Video Clip: STOL Flying: Float flying at Jack Brown's Seaplane Based
STOL CH 701 on Zenair Amphibious Floats
Rudder Workshop April 2012:
Zenith Aircraft Company introduces an updated STOL CH 750 kitplane with a taller cabin at Sun'n Fun 2012
Flying from Skis New Video ClipZenith STOL on Skis in Alaska with Bob Jones

(See the same airplane flying on floats in Alaska)

Ice Fishing Video Clip: "Gone (Ice) Fishing"x
Cross Country Flying with the Zenith STOL CH750 Video ClipFlying the STOL CH 750 cross country along the Florida Gulf Coast
First flight! From Zenith.Aero:

First Flight (2/22/12): Jerry Bryan's Zenith STOL CH 750 (flight CH 750 builder / pilot Mike Schlichtman)
Tail dragger STOL CH 701 Taildragger STOL CH 701
New instrument panel kits  Video clip of the new instrument panel kits now with the latest 10-inch Dynon SkyView avionics and new power panel.
Video Clip: Wing assembly  Video Clip Wing Kit Assembly: Joining and riveting the internal kit parts together of the Zenith STOL CH 750

Here, we show putting together the match-drilled parts of the wing kit. We line the parts up, cleco (clamp), and rivet - it's that simple! You'll notice that in this video clip we're using final hole size match-drilled parts (straight off the CNC table).

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More photos: See the Zenith.Aero photo galleries

Note: Many of these images show customer-built aircraft, some of which have been modified without the designer's specific approval. Modifications will affect the specifications and performance of the aircraft.

Zenith.Aero: Online community for active Zenith builders, owners and pilots

New Zenith T-Shirts from EAA!

 Zenith Aircraft Company

Zenith Aircraft Company
1881 Airport Road, Mexico Memorial Airport
Mexico, Missouri, 65265  USA.
Tel: 573-581-9000 (Mon - Fri, 8-5 Central),
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CH 750 Cruzer

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� Zenith Aircraft Company: 2016-04-19