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The affordable recreational kit
airplane for the sport pilot: Enjoy leisure flights, with exceptional unrestricted visibility... operate from grass strips... make round trips of several hundred miles in a single day... Take your partner for a local pleasure flight, or to a far-off
The Sport Pilot
Ready Kit Plane from Zenith
Aircraft Company!
The Zenith CH 650: New and updated features with modern new
styling |
The Zenith CH 650 is a second
generation light sport aircraft, developed specifically for Sport
Pilots. It is the latest model in the Zodiac line of aircraft
from aeronautical engineer Chris Heintz,
first introduced in 1984. This newest model offers
and updated features including
modern new styling
with a larger cabin area. Some of the
Zenith's features include:
Based on the
Zodiac CH 601 XL
model introduced in 2001, the new Zenith CH 650 has been developed specifically to meet the
Sport Pilot /
Light-Sport Aircraft category, and offers maximum
performance and capability possible under the new FAA category. With
new and updated features and modern styling, the Zenith CH 650 replaces
the Zodiac XL model.
Zenith CH 650 LSA, powered by the 100-hp Continental O-200 engine: |
The lighter European Zenair CH 650 powered by the 100-hp Rotax 912 ULS
engine: [ More Photos ] |
New aircraft models, like the Zenith CH 650
and the new STOL CH 750, keep
Zenith Aircraft Company at the forefront of the light aircraft industry.
This newest model introduces refinements that compete
directly with European imports in the Light Sport (LSA) marketplace, while
still offering an
exceptional value and choices,
allowing builders to construct the CH 650 from complete kits,
component kits, or even from plans-only, and offering kit builders a wide
selection of engine choices to power their aircraft.

The October 2008
issue of EAA
Sport Pilot & Light Sport Aircraft magazine reported the
The Chris Heintz-designed
CH 600 Zodiac spawned a series of
designs, each of them an improvement over the earlier iteration,
and each became easier to build and more versatile in the air.
The latest models, the CH 650 LS AND LSi, introduced at
AirVenture 2008, combine the best of a European-built CH 601 XL
sold as a ready-to-fly aircraft, the AMD CH 601 XL sold as an
S-LSA, and the Zenith Aircraft Company's amateur built CH 601 XL
The CH 650 is now offered to markets worldwide, with detail
changes as needed to comply with governmental regulations.
Eventually, the 601 XL will be phased out. The 650 is available
as plans (with CAD drawings and assembly manuals), a complete
kit (or a series of sub kits) from Zenith Aircraft, Mexico, Missouri, (,
or as a ready-to-fly S-LSA from Aircraft Design Manufacturing &
Design (AMD) (
of Eastman Georgia.
The CH 650 LS's improvements include a more-convenient hinged
clamshell bubble canopy, with dual tube 4130 roll-over
protection. The new canopy keeps the traditional look of the
Zodiac alive while adding headroom. (The new roll-over
protection and redesigned canopy latching system are also
available from Zenith Aircraft as an upgrade kit for existing
Zodiac Owners.)
In deference to the CH 650 LS's anticipated role as a primary
trainer, its landing gear is tougher and sports standard
aviation 500-by-5 wheels and brakes. The gear system is bigger,
making the aircraft taller, and the AMD main gear spring is
gun-drilled, for cleaner, more protected brake line routing.
The rudder was redesigned and looks sleeker. The European wing
angle is now standard on the 650 LS, with the trailing edge of
the wing tilted down about 2 inches. Extra aluminum braces have
been added to the fuselage sides and wings. The interior sports
carpeting, and parts familiar to other Heintz-designed airplanes
include the rudder pedals, the cowl, the nose gear strut, and
firewall, all similar to the larger CH 640, CH 801, AND CH 2000.
Much work was done to the controls, which are now more balanced
for better feel. "The 650 LS's airframe structure and flying
characteristics are now more like an FAR 23 type aircraft," said
AMD Sales Director John Degonia. "Flying schools and pilots who
were looking at buying an FAR 23 aircraft have now committed to
the 650."
The IFR airframe of the 650 LSi is based on what was required to
certify the Alarus CH 2000 to FAR 23 Certification. The 650 LS
is powered by a TCM (Continental) O-200 with Sensenich
fixed-pitch prop. Performance and safety options include a BRS
all-aircraft parachute system, AmSafe airbag-seat belts, full electric gyro instruments, and
In the experimental kit version, the CH 650's firewall-forward
will accommodate a Jabiru 3300,
Lycoming O-235 or -233, or
four-cylinder powerplants as alternatives to the S-LSA
TCM O-200.
With the Continental O-200 engine, the AMD 650 LS carries 30
gallons of fuel and has a useful load of 550 pounds. (With the
Jabiru 3300, the useful load is 625 pounds, leaving a generous
481 pounds with full 24 gallon tanks.)
Panel Options run the gamut from basic VFR to a Dynon EFIS,
TruTrak one- or two-axis autopilots, and many Garmin options,
including a 430 system. The AMD CH 650 on display at
AirVenture 2008 was equipped with the new EFD1000 Pro primary
flight display system from Aspen Avionics and a WAAS-certified
GNS 530W GPS/nav/comm by Garmin. Price of the factory-built 650
is just under $100,000. |
EAA Sport Pilot & Light Sport Aircraft
magazine, October 2008
Note: We are currently updating
our website to reflect the new Zenith CH 650. Note that most of the
information contained on the Zodiac XL design is the same as that for
the newer CH 650 model.
Simple and quick to
build — easy and fun to fly!
The new Zenith CH 650 design offers superior performance and capabilities, comfortable
side-by-side seating, affordable costs, and best of all, the Zenith is
available as a durable all-metal kit that you can quickly build yourself - with
just basic skills and tools.

Above: The FAA's National Kit Evaluation Team
(NKET) evaluates the
entire CH 650 kit inside the Zenith Aircraft factory (May
25, 2011)
Build your own CH 650 from:

We invite you to come visit
the factory in Mexico, Missouri to see how the aircraft kits are
manufactured, go up for a demo flight (by appointment), and attend
a factory workshop to gain hands-on kit building experience.
Zenith CH 650 News and Updates:
For the latest, visit the exclusive ZENITH.AERO Online Community for news and updates from
the factory as well
as from Zenith builders, owners and pilots from around the world.
Follow us on
Facebook for
exclusive updates (be sure to select "Get
Notifications" to receive all of our daily
Start building your Zenith
for just $375 at a workshop or with the
Rudder Starter Kit
Next hands-on workshops:
Check out Photos
Zenith Homecoming | Timelapse
Video | Slideshow
Video: Flying
the Zenith CH 650
New for 2015: We've published a new Zenith Aircraft magazine, chock-full
of information on building and flying your own Zenith. This free
48-page full color magazine provides an excellent introduction to
the world of recreational flying and kit aviation, and covers all
Zenith aircraft kit models, including the Zenith CH 650. Contact
Zenith Aircraft Company to have one mailed to you.

How do we top last year's highly
successful One
Week Wonder project (where a complete Zenith CH 750 Cruzer was
built in less than seven days at EAA Oshkosh AirVenture)?
EAA has announced their "Give
Flight" project where five (5) complete sets of wings will
be started during the week
at Oshkosh by various EAA Chapters (to be taken home after the
show to become part of a group-built airplane). We're thrilled that
EAA has asked Zenith Aircraft to provide three sets of wings for
the Give Flight project. Three new Zenith aircraft (two Zenith
CH 750 Cruzers and one Zenith CH 650) will be started at Oshkosh
this summer with the help of volunteers! If you're a Zenith builder
(or want to learn) please join us in building and teaching others
about the joys of aircraft kit building!
Experimenter magazine (March
Bob Rychel's two Zenith planes: "Two Planes in Three
"My CH 650
was a joy to build and is a joy to fly."
Five Zeniths CH 650 (and
CH601XLB), all powered by Corvair engines, at the 2014
Zenith Open Hangar Day and Fly-In (September 20, 2014)
One Week Wonder
at Oshkosh 2014
What an awesome week it
was, where an entire Zenith kit was built in seven days, and then
flown! Thank you to all who helped with this project, especially
the volunteers and sponsors!
album of the One Week Wonder project | First
Flight Video | Volunteers
at Work - Day 3 of 7 Video
Chris Heintz
joined Zenair Ltd.
to celebrate its 40th anniversary on Saturday, July 19, 2014 at the Zenair factory at Huronia Airport in Midland, Ontario, Canada.
Photos from the event: Facebook
photos | More
Video Clip:
A walk around the Zenith CH 650 Quick Build Kit (with the optional jigged
The CH650 can be built from plans-only, individual parts, component or complete
kits, or from the Quick Build Kit.

Follow-Up: Photos
from the 2013 Open Hangar Day (from September
20 & 21)

Video Clip: Fun
flying in the the Zenith CH 650
More video clips: Subscribe
to the Zenith YouTube Channel

Flight Video: Zenith CH 650 B with the 130-hp ULPower
UL350iS engine

Frank and Dave's completed Zenith CH 650-B with a UL 350iS 130-hp

Updated New
10.20 Flight Simulator files for the Zenith CH 650 (now supports
64-bit computing!).
Fly the Zenith cruiser from your armchair!
Screenshots | Video
New Video Clip:
Approach to the
Sebring Sport Aviation Expo 2013 in the CH 650
On the cover of Volez!
magazine (French Flying), Issue 177, February
2013. Cover story with a 12 page feature story on designer
Chris Heintz and the Zenith CH
650 and the four-seat
CH 640 cross-country cruiser.
More press reviews and flight
test reports.
On the cover of AVIASPORT
magazine (from France), September 2012 issue, cover story:
"Zenair CH 650E (European model): The
latest light sport aircraft from Chris Heintz."
On the cover of CONTACT!
magazine, Issue 105, cover story and joint "Zenith
/ Corvair" issue, with 8
separate articles on Zeniths. From the introduction by editor Pat
"Recognizing Chris
Heintz and his family business is something I've
wanted to do for a long time, and I can never get tired
of publishing information on the Corvair [engine]. The
two seem to have been made for each other, as do the
efforts of William
Wynne and Zenith"
Follow-Up from Zenith Aircraft Company's
anniversary / Open Hangar Day & Fly-In held this past September 21
& 22, 2012
clip of the event
Hear the 130-hp UL350iS
engine on the Zenith CH 650 cruiser kit plane. The UL
Power engine is a modern light aircraft engine: Direct-drive,
air-cooled, electronic ignition and fuel injection, with FADEC (full
authority digital engine control).
August 2012:
builder and pilot Earl
Downs reports that he's just recently received a FAA Letter
of Deviation Authority (LODA) to provide commercial training in
the Zenith that he built himself: Earl is a CFI and a sport
pilot designated flight test examiner who built a Zenith Zodiac CH 601
XL-B, and he is now approved for training in his Zenith. For more information Earl can be reached in the evening
(central time) at 918-840-2200 or email
(based out of Cushing,

Flight Review
is a new video clip from France of the new European CH 650 (powered
by Rotax 912 ULS).

July 2012:
Zenith Aircraft Company introduces new Quick
Build Kit (QBK) for the Zenith CH 650 to dramatically reduce assembly
time and build complexity.
View Video Clip

EAA AirVenture (Oshkosh) 2012 follow-up
report. Five video clips and photos of the many Zenith activities at
AirVenture 2012... Read

Video Clip from Zenith.Aero:
on a Hot Day: Flight Testing the UL Power UL350iS Engine Cooling

The new Zenith CH 650 with
the UL350iS engine, on the cover of Kitplanes magazine
(June 2012) and Pilot magazine (May 2012):
KITPLANES magazine, June 2012 issue, cover story:
"Simply Advanced" Cover story and flight review by Marc Cook, pages 8 - 17. "New to the CH 650 B is a canopy that provides excellent visibility even for tall pilots. It's a comfortable cabin for two..."
PILOT magazine,
May 2012
issue, cover story: "Zippy Zodiac"
Cover story and flight review by Dave Unwin, pages 26 - 32.
"I liked the CH650 a
lot ...
it offers exceptional value for the money."
The new Zenith CH 650 with
the UL350iS
engine, on the cover of Spain's Avion
& Piloto magazine (June 2012).
Flying the CH 650 with the new UL
Power UL350iS engine cowl
on Facebook:
magazine photo previews of upcoming flight review of the Zenith CH 650
The UL Power Firewall-Forward (FWF) kit package
from Zenith Aircraft Company. Shown here: The 130-hp UL350iS powerplant in the CH 650 cruiser.
New Video Clip:
the Zenith CH 650 home from Sebring (Florida) to Mexico (Missouri)
New video report on Zenith from
Dan Johnson interviews Zenith Aircraft Company's Roger Dubbert about the full line light sport aircraft kits from Zenith, including
on Zenith's CH 650 with the UL Power UL350is engine installation.
Flying the CH 650 with the UL Power engine:
and performance report
October 2011:
Zenith Aircraft Company and UL
Power North America announce availability of complete firewall forward
kits for the UL Power engine following the successful installation and
testing of the 130-hp UL350iS powerplant in the CH 650 cruiser.
The new Zenith CH 650
demo aircraft equipped with a brand new
UL350iS engine installation and prototype cowl. More new photos. |
July 2011 issue of
Aviation Consumer magazine has a feature story / flight report
on the CH 650 LSA: "Based
on the CH601, the design is sporty and fast and has a new, beefed-up wing
Aviation Consumer editor Paul Bertorelli writes that "The CH650 has
superb cockpit visibility... The baggage compartment, which is adequate if
not generous, is an easy-to-access shelf behind the two seats. That
makes it perfect for grabbing stuff during cross-country flight."
He concludes that "...the CH650 seems like an honest, straightforward
low-wing cruiser..." and that kit manufacturer Zenith Aircraft Company
"stands behind what is designs and builds."
Excerpted from Aviation Consumer magazine, July 2011 issue, pages 13 - 16.
Read more press reviews. |
Zenith's new factory
demonstrator CH 650 with UL Power's new powerful yet
lightweight UL350iS engine: This four-cylinder,
direct-drive air-cooled engine puts out 130-hp with an
installed weight of just 172 lbs., and features full
FADEC (full authority digital engine control) with
multi-point electronic fuel injection and dual
electronic ignition (with variable timing).
Click here for more
details on this engine.
Hear it and see it! Click
here to view a HD video clip.
instrument panel of Zenith's new
CH 650 factory demo aircraft
features dual Dynon
SkyView glass panel multifunction displays. As a
sleek cross-country cruiser, the autopilot will be a
welcome feature in the CH 650 kit plane on long
cross-country flights. |
July 8, 2011:
Steve A. and Ron G. each picked up a complete kit of their
favorite aircraft yesterday: A CH
650 for Ron and a CH 750 for Steve. Despite
some rain, they loaded the two complete airframe
kits in the
Budget rental truck for the drive home to Detroit (where the two are
GM engineers).
By picking up the kit at the factory, Steve and Ron saved both the
crating charges and the freight charges, and they were able to share
the rental truck fees, while also being able to visit the factory
(for the first time) and go up in a demo flight in the aircraft. |
June 2011:
FAA's National Kit Evaluation Team (NKET) visited the
Zenith Aircraft Company factory to evaluate and
determine that the CH 650 B kit meets the intent of the
"51% rule," allowing an amateur-builder to register the
plane as an "amateur-built - Experimental" (kit)
aircraft (meeting the "major portion" requirement of
Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations part 21,
Certification Procedures for Products and Parts, §
21.191(g). |
On owning and operating the Zenith CH 650 LSi:
"I initially considered the AMD CH650 because I wanted
a special light-sport aircraft (S-LSA) that was approved
for night flight and instrument flight rules (IFR).
I like the idea of working with a U.S.-based company,
and it turned out to be a good decision... As an
instrument trainer, the CH650 is economical, stable and
provides an approach speed that gives the student
- Y. Forsyth, Gaithersburg, MD (Excerpted
from EAA Sport Pilot magazine. December 2008).
European ZODIAC CH 650E model:
The European
model of the new Zodiac CH 650 features a lower weight
(to meet European ultralight or microlight rules) and
the 100-hp Rotax 912 ULS powerplant.
here for the latest
ZODIAC updates