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Builds & Flies the ZODIAC
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The ZODIAC aircraft is built of stressed-skin
semi-monocoque all-metal construction, just like todays factory-built planes, but
adapted specifically for the kit builder. Sheet-metal construction is outstandingly the
most widely used aircraft building method around the world, and has proven itself as the
ideal aircraft material since the early pioneering days of aviation.

The ZODIAC airframe kit is complete
Unlike most other all-metal kit aircraft, the ZODIAC kit is made for
the first-time builder, and is easy and quick to build, requiring no special skills, tools
or jigs to assemble in a small workshop, such as a single car garage. Zenair has been
perfecting all-metal construction for homebuilders since 1974, giving
it unparalleled experience in
providing complete kits for first-time builders, and renowned customer support to every
"You have a great kit... I'm
buying more than just a box full of parts. I'm particularly pleased with this project
because, from talking to other builders, I'll be flying while they're still building. I'm
not a mechanic, I'm a pilot. I couldn't imagine better support from the factory - it is a
pleasure working with you."
- Kit builder S.B.
Sturdy and low-fatigue aluminum
alloys make the ZODIAC airframe very rugged and corrosion resistant. The modern 6061-T6 aluminum-silicon
alloy used in the ZODIAC construction is durable and corrosion resistant, ideal for even the harshest
environment, and very easy to repair and maintain. The owner of a ZODIAC is assured of a long
airframe life, with minimum required maintenance, as metal is not adversely affected by
ultra-violet (UV)
light and temperature changes like fabrics, Dacron or composites (its thus feasible
to tie-down the aircraft outdoors, minimizing costs).
Made for the first-time kit builder, the ZODIAC may be built from
plans-only, or from partial or complete kits. Building a ZODIAC from scratch (rather than a
kit) necessitates more time, skills, and tools, requiring about 1,500 hours to build.

Click here
for a detailed schematic of the tail control system
All the ZODIAC CH 601 models draw on Zenith Aircrafts vast design and manufacturing
experience. The simple stressed-skin semi-monocoque construction uses single curvature
sheet-metal skins riveted to internal structural members.
"They go
together predominantly with aircraft-grade pull-stem rivets,
which together with the simplicity of the design make for kits that
can actually be assembled in a few hundred hours."
Kitplanes magazine (01/04) |
The sheet-metal skins, main wing spar, structural ribs,
longerons, stiffeners and bulkheads are fastened together with Zeniths proven
riveting method using blind (or pulled) rivets, which are as easy to set as
pop rivets, requiring only a simple hand rivet puller. The
corrosion-resistant rivets provide a permanent structural bond and tight low-profile dome finish, formed
by the custom riveter head. The rivet stem becomes locked in after being set to provide a
water-tight seal. The 1/8-inch
and 5/32-inch
blind rivets
used are very sturdy and durable fasteners, and may be used over a wide grip area. The
blind rivets are much easier and quicker to set than bucked rivets, and dont require
the use of a noisy pneumatic rivet hammer or counter-sunk rivet holes.
is nothing that looks faster than pop-riveted aluminum.
From race cars to airplanes, the blind rivet is the fastener
of choice for joining sheet metal." |
magazine, volume 05, February 2006, "Holes,
Rivets, and Bent Metal" |
Many flat surface skins are pre-drilled at the
factory with a
drilling machine, and are pre-formed and cut, ready for assembly.

to small details ensures that the ZODIAC can be easily completed within the 400 hours
claimed for the homebuilt kit version. For instance, the ribs are not only shaped, but the
lightening holes are made, beveled and smoothed to a finished state. Look at other kit
manufacturers for this attention to detail. The builders of some of the 700 flying Zenair
planes Ive had a chance to interview tell me the company time estimates are valid
and the support is unsurpassed."
Recreational Flyer
Following is detailed information on the construction
of the ZODIAC kit aircraft, with many photos of actual assemblies. Click here to follow through the construction steps to
build a ZODIAC.
ZODIAC Construction: 1
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