ZODIAC Photo Gallery #87
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Ramsey's ZODIAC XL (Springfield, Illinois):
"After approximately
350 hours build time and much anticipation N549BJ test flew today
(Jan 22, 2006). It flew precisely as advertised by Zenith.
It is the most comfortable and pilot and user friendly aircraft I
have ever flown."
Basic panel with
custom "golf ball" throttle and a fighter control stick.
Months From Box to Chocks"
Rick Morris of
Markwood, Victoria, Australia sent us these before and after photos
of his taildragger ZODIAC XL project...
powered Zodiac XL
CH601 in Spain
Zodiac CH601 in Spain
Zodiac with a custom engine installation.
Wood's Continental O-200 powered Zodiac
CH 601 HD (Middlebury, Vermont):
having way too much fun to take it back to my garage to paint."
Heintz' prototype ZODIAC XL in Midland, Ontario, Canada after a
snow storm.
(March 2006)
custom instrument panel and seats. |
Canadian ZODIAC XL |
Zodiac CH 601 next to a Rans aircraft (in Germany)
Australian ZODIAC XL taildragger

Glen West's Jabiru-powered
Zodiac XL (Hurricane, Utah):
completing a STOL CH 801, which by the way flies perfectly, the new
sport pilot rule and the experience and training received on the 801
helped with the desire to build the 601. My son Jesse and I drove
back to Mexico and attended the rudder class and built the rudder in
one day, pick up the CH 601 package and off we went back to Utah
pulling a large U-haul trailer. That was in November of 2003, with
no pressure to build and fly, because the 801 was taking care of
that, we finished the 601 in December of 2005."
Zodiac CH 601 XL |
Zodiac wing baggage locker
Zodiac aircraft
testing a Zodiac XL
Zodiac CH601
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Zenith literature package is easily the most complete package I
have received from any light aviation company, and I’ve seen
many other good ones among the hundreds I have studied. Lots and
lots of information is presented with some lovely graphics. The
literature alone is impressive, but the volume of information will
keep you reading for hours. You can get a good idea of what you're
buying without ever leaving your chair." |
Experimenter magazine |
- Click
here to order the ZODIAC Info Kit with an
all-new DVD
Note: Many of these images show customer-built aircraft,
some of which have been modified without the designer's specific approval. Modifications
will affect the specifications and performance of the aircraft. |