
TAIL DESIGN: The STOL CH 701 tail sections are designed to provide maximum effectiveness
(control) at slow speeds and at high angles of attack.
The aircraft designs feature an all-flying vertical tail (rudder)
section for excellent effectiveness and control, especially at low speeds. The all-flying
rudder provides responsive rudder control, while also minimizing weight and complexity
(theres only one vertical tail section). Two rudder bearings bolt to the rear
fuselage to fix the rudder to the fuselage. |
The horizontal tail sections are made up of the
elevator and the stabilizer. Both these sections are unique and developed specifically for
maximum effectiveness at low speeds and at high angles of attack.The stabilizer is an
inverted airfoil section to maximize downward lift to help achieve high angles of attack
required for short take-off and landing performance.The elevator is an actual airfoil
section, and provides a virtual venturi effect when deflected down, as
illustrated below.The unique tail sections provide maximum effectiveness for short
take-off and landing performance while also minimizing the actual size of the tail
The STOL CH 701 makes use of highly engineered design
features for excellent STOL performance, and importantly, responsive control at low
speeds. While many aircraft designs often boast a low stall speed, many of these same
designs have minimal control effectiveness at these lower speeds.

The STOL CH 701's large effective control surfaces provide excellent
controllability at very low flying speeds - a necessity for effective short take-off and
landing performance - while being very light and balanced.
- Click Here for a detailed schematic of the STOL CH 701's tail sections.

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