Builders' Report: Attending the Zenith Factory Workshop
Chad and Kristel recently attended one of Zenith
Aircraft's hands-on
factory workshops. The young couple
from Colorado agreed to share their workshop experience with the
following photos and captions.
Background: Chad
has a degree in geology and works in engineering and science fields in
defense and biotech industries, while Kristel is a materials engineer
for a medical device company. Chad claims to perform his own minor
car maintenance ("nothing major"), with Kristel occasionally helping.
Neither has yet obtained formal flight training or pilot licenses: "We
want to build a STOL CH 701 and we hope to use our completed Zenith
airplane for flight training." Chad likes its SUV / bushplane
capabilities, aluminum construction, slow flight performance
characteristics, and huge control surfaces. Kristel likes the STOL
701's maneuverability and the thought of taking off and landing in their
own yard: "We both dream of the long weekends flying around in our
The Workshop:
"We had been contemplating ordering a component kit or the rudder kit
for several months. Fortunately we had a couple spare days that allowed
us to drive to
Mexico, Missouri, to get a really good take on exactly what
building this airplane might entail. "
Day One:
Assembly of the rudder (vertical tail) spar:
Kristel: "I was surprised what little effort a cleco
fastener took. Phew - no brawn required!"
Chad: "She seems to be enjoying this as much as I am!"
The rudder "skeleton": The ribs are riveted to the rudder spar:
Kristel: "This air drill is so cute, light, and easy to use. But it's
always best to drill on a flat surface. I'm just posing here." |
"It was super helpful to observe firsthand building
techniques and tools. This provided both some decent experience and a
wee dose of confidence. Sort of like getting to watch someone change a
flat tire before you have to do it yourself."
The demonstration flight:
Kristel: "I was so surprised and happy to get an
airplane ride at our workshop. Roger, from Zenith Aircraft, took me up
for a really easy flight."
Chad: "Kristel likes it!!"
Kristel: "Wow, I need one of these planes!"
In the Zenith Aircraft factory
Kristel: " It was awesome to capture Chad under a poster
of the Popular Mechanics magazine cover [poster on the wall] where he
first learned about Zenith Aircraft."
"Most of the workshop participants joined the Zenith
folks at the nearby country club for dinner at the end of the first day
of the workshop. Everybody stayed well after the meal was finished,
because there was quite a lot of storytelling going on! It was really
neat to meet and interact with fellow builders."
Day Two:
Finishing the rudder: Positioning the rudder nose skin
to the assembly
Chad: "Don't underestimate the handy duct tape assembly
techniques a Zenith Aircraft factory engineer can provide."
"We had a really great time trading stories and
backgrounds with the folks at Zenith and fellow workshop participants.
We shared our long work table with a medical doctor who was an
experienced pilot and who flew in to attend the workshop."
Riveting the rudder skins (with the pneumatic riveter):
Chad: "I had never used any sort of rivet fastener
before. I wasn't even sure which way the rivet should be inserted."
Kristel: " It was fun being Rosie the Riveter for the
Chad: "Looking great!!"
"We finished our rudder at our own laid back pace (ok,
Kristel did most of the work while I was up flying around with Roger in
the factory STOL CH 701!) and were easily finished by noon on the second
day of the workshop."
Kristel: "We're proud new parents of a brand new rudder,
posing for the picture."
Chad: "This looks like a rudder all right!" (the
dimensions seem correct)
Chad with Zenith's demo pilot, Roger, in the STOL CH
Chad: "Yeah, I think I can handle having one of these in
my own barn/garage!:
Kristel: "Thank you Zenith Aircraft Company!"
Status Update: We took the finished rudder to
our local
EAA chapter meeting. Since the
workshop we've acquired an air compressor, work table, sheet metal
tools, air riveter, two matching air drills, and clecos...AND we just
ordered our CH 701 tail kit!!
Additional resources:
Hands-on building workshop in Brazil (October 2007).
Note: Many of these images show customer-built aircraft,
some of which have been modified without the designer's specific approval. Modifications
will affect the specifications and performance of the aircraft.