Zenith Aircraft Company      

Corvair Auto Conversion

Saturday, May 20, Mexico, Missouri

From William Wynne, FlyCorvair.com:

William Wynne, photo courtesy of FlyCorvair.comBy special arrangement with Zenith Aircraft Company, we are having an Open House at the Zenith Factory in Mexico, Missouri, on Saturday, May 20. Make your plans now, because this is just over a week away.

The initial purpose of my visit to the factory was to pick up a STOL CH 701 kit to be built in our shop. Merrill Isaacson, our videotape specialist and newest member of the Hangar Gang has selected the 701 for his already complete Corvair engine. After significant discussion, we decided that the purchase of an entire 701 kit, development of a complete Corvair installation and its flight testing was in order. I have good reason to believe that it's a viable combination within certain parameters. Rather than speculate on what these parameters are, it's just simpler to go ahead and build a first class example, conduct the flight tests, and compare and contrast it with established standards for other 701s. If it turns out to be a viable combination, builders can trust that we'll share the information that will allow other 701 builders to optimize their Corvair installations.

Since we're headed to the factory, I brought up the possibility of holding a Corvair Day there. We've been to the Mexico factory twice before, and true to their reputation, the Heintz family and their crew are excellent hosts. Although they normally try to confine their events to the normal work week, I appealed to Sebastien for a Saturday date because a significant number of our builders still work Monday through Friday, and would not be able to attend a weekday function. After speaking with their crew, Sebastien and Nick graciously agreed to open their doors Saturday, May 20, and the event was on.

If you're already a Zenith builder, you've probably made a pilgrimage to the factory. If you've been interested in the Zenith/Corvair combination, but haven't made the commitment, here's a first class opportunity to come to the factory and see the facility and meet the leadership that produces one of the most popular experimental aircraft of all time. You can tour the factory, inspect kits prior to shipment, and check out the factory demonstrator aircraft. If you're thinking about picking up a set of plans, or signing up for a future rudder workshop, you should call the factory in advance at (573) 581-9000, as these things would be easier to schedule on a regular working day. 

Corvair installation on a Zodiac firewall

I will be driving up with Grace and Corvair/KR builder/pilot Bill Clapp. We're planning on a quick, four-day trip. Due to the tight schedule, and the fact we're picking up a kit, we are not bringing our own ZODIAC 601 XL. However, we will have two engines on hand, examples of the 601 installation components, and of course, a good selection of Conversion Manuals, videotapes and DVDs. As a bonus for every 601 builder who already owns a copy of our Conversion Manual, we will be giving away preliminary copies of our much awaited Corvair to 601 Installation Manual. This comprehensive guide is still in the works, but we want to get a preview of the information in the hands of builders in attendance.

The brief nature of the visit precludes us from doing any actual building on engines. However, I encourage anyone with a core motor or components to clean them per the manuals and bring them for inspection. I will personally inspect every piece that builders bring. With our experience, I can often give builders a green light to proceed with building from their existing core. We'll be there to help, and keep as many people motivated and progressing as possible. As with all our events, there is no charge, and no reservation is required. Only your willingness to learn and have a good time doing so are required. You need not be an existing customer of ours, nor a Manual owner to attend. We'd like a lot of new people to show up and have a look for themselves. Bring a friend, wife or girlfriend if you like.

The event starts 9 a.m. Saturday. We can cover a lot of ground and have a good time as well in a few hours. The event is well worth traveling for. Out of respect for the Zenith crew sacrificing part of their weekend for this, we're going to have a brisk pace, but there will certainly be time to cover everyone's questions and have a pleasurable afternoon meeting other builders who are friends new and old. Don't let this opportunity to get to know the Zenith crew in the company of other Corvair builders pass you by. It promises to be a great event, and we're certainly looking forward to seeing you there.

-- William Wynne, FlyCorvair.com

Click here to view a video of a Corvair-powered ZODIAC XL. Video: Corvair power



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 Zenith Aircraft Company

Zenith Aircraft Company
Mexico Memorial Airport, PO Box 650
Mexico, Missouri, 65265-0650 USA.
Tel: 573-581-9000 (Mon - Fri, 8-5 Central),
Fax: 573-581-0011
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