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Assembling the Wings

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Background info on this project.... what's to follow...

November 1998

STOL CH 801 wing skeleton assembly....

Details on the kit... what is done at the factory - what the builder needs to do

November 1998
November 1998
November 1998

who is pictured? details / background...

November 1998

who is pictured? details / background...

November 1998

Positioning the welded-aluminum wing tank inside the wing before the top wing skin is installed.

Details on the kit... what is done at the factory - what the builder needs to do

November 1998

Drilling and clecoing the nose skin to the fuselage assembly... straps are used to help position the skin tightly to the wing nose ribs

Details on the kit... what is done at the factory - what the builder needs to do

November 1998
November 1998
November 1998

who is pictured? details / background...

November 1998

Details on the kit... what is done at the factory - what the builder needs to do

November 1998
November 1998

The top wing skin and trailing edge skin riveted to the wing assembly.

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