Aviation Applications /
Software for the Palm Pilot
PalmPilot for Aviators
Aviation Resources
& Applications for the PalmPilot:
Following is a list of applications that
are useful (or at least of interest) to pilots. We haven't tried them all but most
look very promising and useful... Let us know what your favorite Palm aviation
application is.
If you're using one of these programs on a regular basis, let us know - with your comments
(pros and cons) about the application. Email us at ppilot@zenithair.com
AvCheck 1.07 from Stormgate Communications (shareware)
Finally, this is what we've been waiting for!! A useful checklist program for pilots. The PalmPilot is ideal for the use of checklists and Stormgate Communications has put a nice package together. Supports multiple checklists (in the registered version), phases and sections. Items can be deferred and re-visited at the completion of each phase. Checklists are created on the PC using a Java program so creation can be done on any platform that supports Java.
Go to the Website
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PAD 1.1 (Pilot and Aviation Dictionary), shareware from Production Software.
Pad is a powerful tool for pilots and aviation enthusiasts. PAD provides a listing of the most common terms and acronyms related to aviation. Features include: Aviation terms and acronyms (including chart & weather codes), Morse Code table, Transponder Codes, Airport Beacons, Airport Signal Lights, Speed Conversion table, Temperature Conversion table, ARTCC table, Standard Atmosphere table, Phonetic Alphabet, V-Speeds, VFR-IFR cruising altitudes and more. PAD is a handy application to make sure you're prepared for the time that you need to look-up or learn a term.
Click here to download
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DSSCalc flight computer, shareware ($10) from DeLoach Sales & Software
DSSCalc/Palm gives you all the power of an electronic handheld flight computer right on your handheld Palm device! All the
functionality of a standard flight computer such as the Jeppesen Techstar, as an easy -to-use PalmOSŪ application.
Menu-driven aviation computations and on-line documentation make DSSCalc a breeze to use!
Go to the website!
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Electronic Flight Bag 91 (commercial)
EFB-91 allows weight & balance envelopes for multiple specific aircraft to be entered. Default station positions, weights and graphical display of calculated CG are provided. Weather conditions are entered as they are transmitted from ATIS. Calculates density as well as pressure altitude, crosswind component. TAS calculations from values within the cockpit. Climb gradient, multiple conversions, two direction stopwatch, airspace reference dictionary and pilot/aircraft currency log. Save flights. Easy to read screen with "always-on-top" numeric keypad. Fully documented. $24.95
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Flying Fuel from PilotPDA (shareware)
Flying Fuel is a fuel management application for general aviation pilots. It is designed for single engine aircraft with two tanks. The program displays a graphical bar chart of each tank, indicating the fuel level in each. The pilot can select Left, Right, or Both tanks and the program continuously calculates fuel remaining. The display also indicates total time left on the remaining fuel. Flying Fuel will also alert the pilot when it is time to switch tanks and when the fuel level is dangerously low. If the Palm unit is turned off, the alarm will wake the unit. The user inputs tank capacity, alarm parameters, and fuel burn rate. The program does the rest.
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FlyByNav from SkyWriter Software (shareware)
A "virtual GPS," FlyBy Nav displays track, distance, ground speed, time enroute, ETA, and fuel burn. Nearly all public airports and navigation aids in the U.S. are stored in it's 14,000 point database - so FlyBy Nav knows where you're going.
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PalmLog (freeware, from Nomad Technologies)
PalmLog is the freeware pilots companion youve been looking for! PalmLog was developed by a pilot and tested by both civilian and military pilots. It addresses the most commonly requested features, including separating military and civilian time, airfield dropdowns, automatic leg time calculations and support for several time breakdown fields. Filters, Totals, Configurable Columns, and your choice of Hour, Minute or Decimal format round out the feature list.
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Sample Screen Shots
CoPilot Flight Planning Software (free)
CoPilot is an application program for the Palm Computing Platform that performs flight planning calculations -- the calculations that you would usually perform with a ruler, protractor and an E6B calculator. CoPilot does time, distance, heading, fuel, and weight & balance calculations. It prepares flight plans (Canadian, American, and ICAO formats) with all the information required when calling the FSS. It also has utilities to aid in plotting routes on a map. CoPilot stores the data for past flights so that you can refer back to previous trips (or modify them for new trips).
CoPilot is available from the ZDnet website: www.hotfiles.com/?0015VS&b=zdpalm
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Aviator's Pocket Reference from PalmTop Publishing (shareware)
An illustrated, interactive, pocket reference. This handy quick reference for pilots and aviation enthusiasts is packed with a glossary of terms, key conversion data and important aviation symbols and codes to help pilots stay sharp. This is the second in a series of aviation-related, interactive pocket study guides and learning tools from Palmtop Publishing. A neat reference - even includes light gun signals, phonetic alphabet, speed/pressure/temperature conversions, weather chart symbols.
The Aviator's Pocket Reference features more than fifteen interactive, aviation-related quick references, making flight planning data, conversions, weather chart symbols, aviation terms and abbreviations, radio frequencies and transponder codes only a few taps away. This innovative guide combines graphics and text into a fun and educational interactive guide that is always in hand.
Download the zip file
Go to the Website
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AirCalc Lite from INFOequipt (shareware)
AirCalc is an E6B and flight planner for pilots. It computes true altitude, true airspeed, density altitude, Mach number, ISA dev, true heading, ground speed, cross-winds, tail/head winds, winds aloft, time to climb, distance to climb, descent time, descent distance. It also has the most powerful and easy to use weight and balance calculator available for PalmOS. AirCalc 1.3 Pro is the most recent upgrade from AirCalc 1.2. The new features include the ability to store multiple aircraft weight and balance data, improved user interface, smaller required memory, faster computations, better precision on some functions. You can learn more about AirCalc 1.3 Pro and download AirCalc Personal (a 'lite' version) at http://www.infoequipt.com
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INFOequipt also sells a nifty yoke mount for the Pilot computer.
AirCalc Pro 2 from INFOequipt
AirCalc Pro is an E6B and flight planner for aviators. It computes true altitude, true airspeed, density altitude, Mach number, ISA dev, true heading, ground speed, cross-winds, tail/head winds, winds aloft, time to climb, distance to climb, descent time, descent distance. It also has the most powerful and easy to use weight and balance calculator available for PalmOS. You can learn more about AirCalc Pro 1.4 at http://www.infoequipt.com
AvLogbook from Stormgate Communications (shareware)
A helpful, easy to use logbook for aviators. This program includes options for searching and sorting your flight logbook as well as totaling your flight time. Keep all your flight information handy, and in the format you can quickly use.
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Captain's Keeper v1.0 by NimbleFeet Solutions (commercial)
Captain's Keeper is an "Aviator's Logbook" application designed to run on the 3Com PalmPilot / IBM Workpad family of personal digital assistants. While providing the capability to log basic flight activity, it's design is focused on FAA and IRS compliance in data structures for reporting
requirements. Captain's Keeper is functional enough to cater to the needs of professional airline pilots and yet simple enough to be used by weekend fliers.
Coupled with its desktop companion, Captain's Keeper provides a total solution for flight data logging, archival & reporting needs of the aviation community. The desktop application provides facilities for fast, bulk data entry, data archival and a set of standard reports.
We haven't had a chance to try this out but it looks very promising... though maybe a little complex for sport pilots...
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Private Pilot Pocket Review from Patrick Malone (commercial)
Interactive study guide helps student pilots prepare for the FAA Private Pilot written exam. The content is comprised of over 650 questions and two dozen illustrations direct from the official FAA database. The information is compressed and organized using KnowledgeTest(TM) Technology, which makes learning engaging and fun! Categories include Aerodynamics, Aircraft Systems, Instruments, Performance, Regulations, Air Traffic, Weather, Navigation, and Medical Factors. The Score Summary view analyzes performance by individual category or overall. Advanced users can even expand the database with their own aviation questions. The demo version of the program demonstrates questions in the Air Traffic category only. Distributed by Palmtop Publishing.
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Sample Screen Shots
Pilog from Bit Heaven Software (freeware and shareware versions)
Pilog is a little helper application for pilots - it is used to temporarily enter and store data about a completed flight in the Palm device until you have a chance to enter the data in your actual logbook.
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Pilots Friend 1.6 from Bit Heaven Software (shareware)
This application allows you to keep track of information for a VFR trip from a departure point to a destination point. Most pilots keep a tablet with them during a trip to keep all the information they need readily available. Pilots Friend is a handy way to keep all the information about the current trip right at your fingertips.
Go to the Web Site!
CA-CAlculator from Infonor SRL (shareware)
CA-CAlculator emulates some of the best aviation computers on the market in your PalmPilot. The registered version give you access to all the functions and conversions commonly used.
Email author: gastica@hotmail.com
Download from PilotGear.com
Aviation Terms & Definitions from Palm Pilot Plaza (freeware)
List of terms and definitions for pilots (requires DOC reader).
Go to the Web Site!
AV8R Flight Planning Software (shareware) for your PalmPilot
This initial version of AV8R provides most of the commonly used functions of an E6B calculator, plus weight & balance calculation. All the functions are integrated so results from one calculation are carried over to another. Specifically, AV8R does: Fahrenheit / Celsius conversions, Statute / Nautical miles conversion, Time/Distance, Time/Fuel, Density Altitude/True Airspeed, Wind/Ground Speed, Weight & Balance. Programmed by a fellow pilot / EAA member. New version 2.0 available.
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Pilot's Wind Computer by Bozidar Benc (shareware)
"Pilot's Wind Computer" will allow a pilot to assure himself that the maximum crosswind component limit of his airplane or of the pilot's ability will not be exceeded. The Computer also computes the effective head or tailwind. Runway and wind are graphically presented on PalmPilot's screen. In demo version runway heading and wind direction are entered in 60 degree increments. In full (registered) version increments are 10 degrees.
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Weight & Balance by Bozidar Benc (shareware)
Weight & Balance is an application to assist pilots in computing the total weight and moment of their aircraft. It allows you to define and save the constants: Empty Weight, Gross Weight, Empty Moment and seven user definable stations and their arms.
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Air Calc from Stewart Midwinter
Calculates various info (requires cbasPad)
Contained in the file aircalc.zip are several useful utilities for pilots:
airdist.bas - Calculates Great Circle distance flown from coordinates at the start and end points.
airfuel.bas - Determines how much fuel and time you have left aloft.
airpress.bas - Calculates sea-level pressure from known elevation and station pressure.
convfuel.bas - Converts various fuel consumption rate units.
convspd.bas - Converts various airspeed units.
latlong.bas - Converts degrees in time format to decimal format.
FlyingPilot from GpsPilot (commercial)
Flying Pilot is designed to simplify general aviation flight planning. It allows creating, retrieving, editing, reversing, and tracking of your flight plans. Flying pilot provides leg-heading, distance and estimated time en route, as well as wind compensation for each leg in your route. Flying Pilot works with an ever-increasing range of waypoint databases like US public use airports and runways, US cities. The ultimate navigation map gives you a graphical representation of your route at a glance. The map view lets you visualize your flight plan, scroll, zoom in/out and even display cities, airports and personal landmarks along your route. Coupled with a GPS receiver, you have in hand a complete flight planner and GPS tracker system.
Note: A user wrote us that the airport database was out of date, and that there are no updates available.
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TimeZone from Cromerica Technologies (shareware)
TimeZone is an easy to use Palm Pilot application that calculates current times and dates for locations around the world. It includes location sets with more than 900 sites cities, countries and regions and calculates the date and time for each of them relative to a home location. It includes adjustments for daylight savings time in both the northern and southern hemispheres, shows scrollable world map with day/night zones and lets you set up to three alarms.
Go to the Web Site!
BrainForest from Aportis (shareware / commercial)
Though not developed specifically for aviation, BrainForest for the Palm Computing platform is a well-developed action item, checklist manager, idea keeper, and project planner for mobile professionals.
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CheckList from AHo Interactive Software (shareware)
Not developed specifically for aviation, CheckList is a very useful checklist manager for repeated tasks, such as pre-flights. One important feature is the capability to import and export checklists from and to MemoPad - checklists can be edited and archived on the PC and they can be shared with other PalmPilot users.
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Palm Navigator by Optimal Vector (commercial)
The Palm Navigator is a hardware sensor module that plugs into your PalmPilot just like a modem, turning it into a map navigation system and electronic compass. The free MapSync software included allows you to easily store downloaded maps from the web onto your PalmPilot and use them with the Navigator software, also included. The Palm Navigator turns your PalmPilot into a state of the art compass, displaying a large compass rose, as well as cardinal points (N, NE, E, etc) and numeric digits (324 degrees). The North pointing compass rose arrow shows you which direction you are going in relation to North. The cardinal points give you 8 directions, while the numeric digits provide your exact direction down to the nearest 2 degrees, for when you want to pinpoint exactly which way you are going. MapSync SoftwareMapSync Software The Palm Navigator includes free MapSync software for your PC that easily loads maps from the web onto your PalmPilot. Save a map or maps onto your PC as either a GIF or BMP file, which is easily done with a right click of your mouse. Then drag the map or maps to the MapSync Software program to create a pdb. Now HotSync your PalmPilot, and all your maps are automatically loaded to your PalmPilot.
This app is not developed specifically for aviation but looks cool!
Go to the Web Site!
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PlaceTrace by Optimal Vector (commercial)
PlaceTrace is a map display program for the PalmPilot that can track your travels using a GPS receiver. Your position is shown about every second and recorded once per minute. Maps are hotsync'd from the included Windows 95/NT program (PlaceTraceBase) that contains street-level detail for all 50 states plus U.S. possessions. Create your own labeled waypoints to aid navigation. Hotsync your time-stamped "breadcrumb trail" back to the base program, then print out the entire journey. This demo version is fully functional except for printing and the omission of all but 3 counties' street detail. Note: this program will not work on the Pilot 1000 or 5000 unless upgraded to PalmOS 2.0. Please see the system requirements at http://www.optimalvector.com/whatyouneed.html. Download size is 3626kb.
This app is not developed specifically for aviation but looks cool!
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Navigate (shareware)
Navigation calculations including Great-Circles, Mid-Lat sailing's, Time and degree conversion, General sight reductions, Complete sun sight reductions without an almanac...
(probably not useful but might be interesting to play with...)
Download from PilotGear.com
Apex Software (commercial)
Palm software for the professional pilot, including a fuel manager program, an aviation timer, and Palm-Flight Crew, which provides an EFIS RMI navigation system for your Palm Pilot when used with your hand-held GPS. Also offers pretty neat PC software.
Go to the Web Site!
Airport IDs (freeware, requires DOC reader)
Airport IDs by by Capt. Phil E.of Chicago Express Airlines
We haven't checked this one out...
Download from Palmpilot Plaza | airprtid.prc
GPS2PILOT2PC (freeware)
Program was written to download trackdata from a Garmin GPS45 GPS-receiver via the Garmin-protocol to free its memory for new data. Long trips can now recorded in short intervals. At home the Pilot simulates a GARMIN GPS to other hardware so that the trackdata could be requested... take a look if you have a Garmin GPS...
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Log 3.0 (commercial from High Altitude Inc.)
Logbook to organize your flight time on your desktop, available with a PalmPilot module...
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fboWeb.com (freeware)
For use in conjunction with fboweb.com. New tool for general aviation pilots... File frequently used flight plans, obtain news and weather information and more.
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ADDS Aviation Weather (freeware, requires Palm VII or modem)
Get the most complete and current weather conditions at any airport in the US, or at
the airports nearest to your location. This application is provided as part of the Aviation Digital Data
Service, a free web site serving the aviation community with graphical weather products.
Go to the Web Site!
RomeozuluWX (freeware, requires Palm VII)
Get up-to-date aviation weather by downloading current metars and tafs. Go to the Web Site!
Let us know of any other worthwhile and useful aviation-related applications, and tell us know what your favorite Palm applications are! Email us at pilot@zenithair.com
- Unimount - a useful yoke mount for the PalmPilot
- Titanium Protective Case
This is a non-commercial site to share information and resources about the PalmPilot PDA and applications for actual pilots of aircraft. Server space for these pages is provided from Zenith Aircraft Company.
PalmPilot software developers: Let us know if you have aviation-related software, shareware or freeware available that we can list above, or let us know if you want ideas for developing aviation-related applications.
Email us at pilot@zenithair.com
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