Building and Flying in Africa
Aviation for Development |
in West Africa |
WAASPS is located in
Ghana, Africa to meet the
development needs of the light aviation community of West Africa -
providing support for Zenith aircraft and
ultralights, as well as Rotax and Superior engines. New developments at
the airfield will soon include a Trauma centre and a school for gifted
children who can benefit from the expertise of engineers, doctors and
other professionals at this West African Light Aviation Center where
children can be exposed to experiential learning appropriate to the
local environment. For more information on WAASPS and to find out how
you can provide help and support:
www.waasps.com |
STOL Fuselage and assemblies at the WAASPS facility at Kpong Field in Ghana. |
Rosina and Patricia, two of "Ghana's Angels" in their Superior Engine
T-shirts in front of a STOL CH 701
fuselage... |
Rosina and Patricia working on the Rotax firewall-forward installation
for the STOL CH 701...
Rosina and Patricia working on the Rotax firewall-forward installation
for the STOL CH 701. |
Jonathan Porter of WAASPS conducting a Rotax engine workshop with
students from Ayisatu School, Techiman, Ghana. |
Aerial views from Ghana:
Looking East, towards Ada along the beautiful coast of Ghana, Africa. |
A resettlement village near the Volta Lake, Ghana, Africa |
coastal settlement of a fishing village in Ghana on the Gulf of Guinea |
The WAASPS flight training facility at Kpong Field in Ghana. |
dedicated to Aviation for Development in West Africa, providing
new opportunities for West Africans to learn more about light
aviation, learning to fly, building aircraft, maintenance,
repairs and operational uses such as Medical Aviation,
Agricultural Aviation as well as the more familiar light
aviation roles of sight seeing and air experience flights. For
more information on WAASPS and to find out how you can provide
help and support:
www.waasps.com |
WAASPS provides key support to
Medicine on the Move
(MoM), a
charity organization for the development and support of
medical services in Africa. MoM is a
NGO providing flying doctor services using
STOL CH 701 and STOL CH 801 aircraft.
For more information on MoM:
www.medicineonthemove.org |
Extreme Flights | STOL CH 701 Details | Photo Gallery |